The Governor of Punjab has issued a new succession law called “The Punjab Letters of Administration and Succession Certificates Ordinance 2021”.
Procedure for applying the succession certificate / letter of administration is as following:
Step: 1
Application : The applicant will provide his / her National Identity number (CNIC), deceased persons death certificate and National Identity number (CNIC No).
Step: 2
Details of Legal Heirs and Assets: The applicant will provide the details of legal heirs , and information pertaining to the movable and immovable assets of the deceased.
Step: 3
Verification and Consent of Legal Heirs: All legal heirs mentioned by the applicant will visit NADRA’s Registration Center for Biometric Verification where details provided by applicant will be verified.
Step: 4
Advertisement in Newspaper: NADRA will publish the notice for public at large in English and Urdu newspaper for seeking any objections on the particular applications.
Step: 5
Printing and Delivery of Succession Certificate: If there is no objection from any individual or entity after 14 days of publication of the notice in news papers. The succession Certificate / letter of administration will be printed and then given to the applicant.
Succession Certificate Application Fee
Initial Processing Fees:
If value of the asset/property is more than Rs. 100,000/- than fee payable is Rs. 20,000/-
If value of the asset/property is less than Rs. 100,000/- than fee payable is Rs. 10,000/-
Duplicate Certificate Fees. Application fee for Duplicate certificate is Rs. 5000/-
Legal Provisions of the Law of “The Punjab Letters of Administration and Succession Certificates Ordinance 2021”
The said Law contains only thirteen legal provisions. Now people will have to go to the NADRA office, not the court, to get the property of the deceased movable and immovable.
Where NADRA issues People’s Identity Cards, it will now have to issue Family Succession Certificate (FRC) in accordance with the succession certificate of people’s property i.e. movable and immovable property.
Succession Facility Units will be set up at the NADRA offices to receive public requests for succession. As soon as a citizen dies leaving his land, property or cash in a bank, his heirs will have to apply to the NADRA office instead of going to court.
Advertisement in Newspaper
Upon receipt of the application, the authority will issue advertisements in English and Urdu newspapers. If no one submits an objection within 14 days, after the Bio metric Verification, the Authority will issue a succession certificate.
Bio metric Verification
Bio metric verification can be done from any city of Pakistan. The succession certificate issued by NADRA Authority will be the same as that issued by a court.
If a matter is difficult and complicated (ie if NADRA cannot determine the heirs) then the heirs will be able to approach the court on the order of the authority. Even if the authority does not issue the NADRA certificate within the time limit, the court can be approached.
Documents Required
The application for succession must be accompanied by death certificate, details of heirs, copies of heirs’ identity cards. Details of movable and immovable property also a part of required documents. If the heirs authorize one of the heirs to file an application, the document must also be attached.
All applications for succession will also be saved in online mode. The application can be filed in the same city where the deceased has died and property or capital located. If anyone has to object to the issuance of succession certificate, he can do so in accordance with the law.
Courts Powers
Under Section 10 of the Ordinance, no court will have the power to hear succession certificate cases. If NADRA does not issue the authority certificate, then the court can be approached.

Succession Certificate | Nadra | Court of Law | Movable Properties | Immovable Properties |