What a Car Price in Pakistan!
The automobile sector in the world is highly profitable and developed and offers highly paid jobs.
In the last few years, the auto sector has effected a lot due to inflation and the effect of corona on the economy of the world.
Automakers are facing reduced production and demand in the market.
This has extremely affected the tax targets of the tax collection authorities in the world. In some countries, bans are imposed on the import of vehicles and auto parts to manage the balance of payments of the country.
However, great development has also been seen in this sector. Many new automakers are bringing new products to the market. It has brought modern facilities for its customers. Market competition has helped customers to choose the best thing in quality and pricing.
Auto manufacturers are normally considered highly paid employers. They offer jobs in huge numbers.
The auto sector plays a vital role in the economy of any country. Automakers pay a huge number of taxes also, like income tax, sales tax, excise duty, customs duty, etc., For tax collection targets by tax authorities taxes are charged on parts, manufactured cars, and at times of registration of vehicles.
Vehicles token taxes are also paid annually to tax authorities. Some vehicle token taxes are paid once at the time of registration only.