FBR Iris Website is currently Under Maintenance
FBR Iris Website is currently Under Maintenance. As per FBR‘s information on his IRIS website, the website is currently unavailable and is under maintenance. FBR said, ” We are sorry for the inconvenience, our site is currently under maintenance. Thank you for your patience and support, For further assistance please feel free to contact us at our Call Center at 051-111-772-772.“
Before the shut down of the FBR Iris portal, it was notified there that, it will unavailable from 10:00 PM (Saturday) to 8 AM Sunday.

Moreover, It is clarified here that only FBR Iris and Maloomat sites are down for a limited time and maintenance. Further, main websites of FBR fbr.gov.pk and e.fbr.gov.pk and running properly.