Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Where Can I find my NTN Number Online NTN Verification by CNIC

Where Can I find my NTN Number | Online NTN Verification

Where Can I find my NTN Number | Online NTN Verification

Where Can I find my NTN Number | Online NTN Verification. Let us discuss the way to check National Tax Number (NTN) by using CNIC Number. You need to follow the process given below for NTN verification:

First of all, you have to 1)- open the website of FBR 2)- Click on the tab “Search Taxpayers“ 3)- Click on the tab “NTN Inquiry“ 4)- To check the NTN number in Pakistan, click on the “Taxpayer Profile Inquiry” option from the left sidebar 5)- Select your relevant option from the drop-down (e.g., NTN, CNIC, Registration No) 6)- Provide your “Registration No” in the registration field (Number Provided by FBR while taxpayer’s registration of National Taxation Number (NTN) 7)- Provide your “CNIC” in the CNIC field 8)- Provide a captcha against the “Captcha” field 9)- Providing information click the “Submit” button 10)- Here you will get all the details of the taxpayer 11)- Here, Reference number is taxpayer’s NTN number.

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What NTN Stands for?

NTN stands for National Tax Number. In Pakistan, FBR issues NTN numbers to the taxpayer after registration with the such tax authority. Individual & salaried persons can register with FBR online and need not visit the tax office. Partnership businesses and Private Limited Companies need not apply for NTN registration. Because, when a partnership business and Private limited company registers with the registrar of firms and SECP, they issue NTN automatically via email.

A separate email is sent to the partnership and private limited company at the time of registration with the registrar and SECP. However, if the email for Login/Password is not received for any reason, then the taxpayers need to apply for NTN with FBR by visiting their local tax office.

What is the Benefit of NTN Number in Pakistan?

Income Taxpayer registered with NTN and also filer of tax return has the following major benefits:

  • The National Tax Number (NTN) holder and tax Payer have a lot of benefits from the Government tax & fees.
  • Only tax payers can get Government contracts and can participate in the auctions.
  • The taxpayer can become a member of the chamber of commerce and Industry of their city.
  • Lower rate of tax on purchase and sale of properties
  • less tax on registration of vehicles
  • lower rate of withholding tax on sale of goods and provision of services
  • less tax on prize winning on prize bonds
  • lower rate of tax on bank profits
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