Saturday, 27 July 2024
New Zealand Dollar to PKR July 2023 date wise
Currency Rates in Pakistan

New Zealand Dollar to PKR July 2023

New Zealand Dollar to PKR July 2023

New Zealand Dollar to PKR July 2023. Today New Zealand Dollar Rate in Pakistan is Rs. 181.36. However, yesterday the rate was Rs. 181.36. Moreover, must remember that the NZD rate in Pakistan PKR changes every hour.

But here list of New Zealand dollar rate to PKR has been given for last 30 days. You can check the variations in the New Zealand Dollar rates and its history of last month.

Moreover, must remember that these rates are open market currency rates, both New Zealand Dollar buying rate and New Zealand Dollar selling rates online here.

Date wise NZD rate in Pakistan PKR

29-07-2023179.36 PKR181.36 PKR
28-07-2023179.36 PKR181.36 PKR
27-07-2023179.36 PKR181.36 PKR
26-07-2023179.36 PKR181.36 PKR
25-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
24-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
23-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
22-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
21-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
20-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
19-07-2023176.75 PKR178.75 PKR
18-07-2023175.48 PKR177.48 PKR
17-07-2023175.54 PKR177.48 PKR
16-07-2023175.54 PKR177.48 PKR
15-07-2023175.54 PKR177.48 PKR
14-07-2023175.54 PKR177.48 PKR
13-07-2023173.56 PKR175.56 PKR
12-07-2023173.56 PKR175.56 PKR
11-07-2023173.56 PKR175.56 PKR
10-07-2023172.55 PKR174.55 PKR
07-07-2023170.36 PKR72.36 PKR
06-07-2023171.94 PKR173.94 PKR
05-07-2023175.52 PKR177.52 PKR
04-07-2023175.52 PKR177.52 PKR
03-07-2023175.52 PKR177.52 PKR
02-07-2023175.93 PKR177.93 PKR
01-07-2023175.93 PKR177.93 PKR
30-06-2023175.93 PKR177.93 PKR
29-06-2023175.93 PKR177.93 PKR
28-06-2023175.93 PKR177.93 PKR
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