UPDATESNovember 8, 2021FBR formed a committee to investigate alleged valuation fraud By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has constituted a fact finding committee to probe the alleged…Read more
BusinessesNovember 8, 2021Crude Oil Price Trend in International Market By Admin Crude oil prices went down up to 2.75 percent for the second consecutive week after rallying for…Read more
BusinessesNovember 8, 2021500,000 Retailers Targeted by FBR to Boost Revenue By Admin About 500,000 countrywide retailers with a tax potential of about Rs 1,500 billion are the new…Read more
MARKETSNovember 8, 2021New trading system failure at Pakistan Stock Exchange By Admin The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) reverted to the previous trading system as a short-term measure to…Read more
UPDATESNovember 6, 2021FBR issues list of Tier-1 non-integrated retailers By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Friday issued a list of 608 Tier-1 retailers, who are not…Read more
FINANCENovember 6, 2021New Deadline for implementation of Biometric Verification System for Exchange Companies By Admin The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has set a new deadline of June 30, 2022, for exchange companies to…Read more
Currency Rates in PakistanNovember 6, 2021Rupee strengthens against dollar By Admin On Wednesday the Rupee currency gained a fresh Rs0.57 to Rs169.97 to a dollar in the inter-bank…Read more
Government Jobs in PakistanNovember 6, 2021Excise and Taxation Department Jobs 2021 / Vacancies / Last Date to Apply By Admin Excise and Taxation Jobs 2021 have been announced for the recruitment of multiple job positions…Read more
Petrol Price in PakistanNovember 5, 2021Prices of petroleum products increased again By Admin The government late night decision on Thursday again increased the prices of petroleum products in a…Read more
BLOGNovember 4, 2021Xiaomi Poco M3 Import TAX in Pakistan By Admin Xiaomi Poco M3 Import TAX in PakistanXiaomi Poco M3 is a device launched in Pakistan. The…Read more