TAXATIONAugust 22, 2020Changes in rates of withholding tax on sales to retailers, wholesalers, distributors By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued changes in withholding tax rates on sales made. Sales made by…Read more
TAXATIONAugust 21, 2020Tax year 2020 draft return forms issued by FBR By Admin ISLAMABAD: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Wednesday issued draft forms for filing income tax…Read more
UPDATESAugust 12, 2020FBR implemented new tax regime for imported Items By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Wednesday implemented rules for taxing imported goods. FBR…Read more
BusinessesAugust 12, 2020Pakistani exporters trying to capture Chinese meat market By Admin The Pak-China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCJCCI) suggested. That Pakistani exporters…Read more
MARKETSAugust 12, 2020Modi's rating of five Pakistani banks is confirmed to be stable By Admin Modi’s on Tuesday confirmed the rating of five Pakistani banks. ‘B3 long-term local…Read more
WORLD TAXESJuly 17, 2020Afghan transit trade starting through Wagah from July 15 By Admin ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has allowed Afghan exports through Wagah border crossing from July 15…Read more