Wednesday, 26 March 2025

FBR Encouraged Taxpayers’ to get their legal cases resolved through ADRC

FBR Encouraged taxpayers to resolve cases through ADRC immediately. FBR issued a press release at February 02, 2021 for information of the taxpayer about the system of Alternative Dispute Resolution Committees (ADRC) and encouraged taxpayers to get their legal cases resolved through ADRC.

Federal Board of Revenue is taking steps to expedite the disposal of pending cases in various tax appeal forums including Commissioners Inland Revenue Appeals, Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue, High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan. The FBR has simplified the process of the first level of appeals, namely the Commissioners Appeals level, with the introduction of an electronic filing system of appeals from January 1, 2021. With e-filing, taxpayers can easily file an appeal against any order online without having to go to their respective field office. From July to December 2020, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue Appeals disposed of 17768 appeals, exceeding the target of 7818 cases.


Alternative dispute resolution mechanism, ADR as the term denotes. Is a system that operates side by side with the existing conventional appellate system. But with simple procedures and lesser technicalities. Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a system whereby the taxpayer can refer the contentious issues for consideration and recommendations of the independent experts on the subjects of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs and Federal Excise Duty (FED) and make an out of court settlement with the tax collector in the light of such recommendations.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism | Defined by FBR |

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Special Benches

On FBR request, special benches constituted by the Sindh High Court, Lahore High Court and Islamabad High Court. For expeditious hearing and adjudication of tax-related cases. Option is available to hire qualified lawyers and save government revenue spent on less experienced lawyers.

In last quarter of 2020, the High Courts and Supreme Court disposed of 934 tax-related cases of Rs 81.7 billion. Appellate Tribunal resolved 1240 cases of revenue amounting to Rs.168.5 Billion.

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For the convenience of the taxpayers, a system of ADRC (Alternative Dispute Resolution Committees) set up. Under which the taxpayers can resolve their pending cases through the nominated committees in short time and at no cost.

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ADRC Committees

So far, 18 committees have started working on the cases at the request of the taxpayers. The FBR further clarified that the law amended by the Finance Act 2020. According to which the taxpayer can apply for resolution of his case through ADRC. Without withdrawing his case from any other appeal forum. The members of the ADRC include the concerned Chief Commissioner as well as esteemed judges, chartered accountants and business persons nominated by the Chamber of Commerce. The committee empowered to cover recovery cases in hardship cases. ADRC committee would be responsible for handling taxpayers’ applications in a short period of 120 days.

See also  File tax return or pay penalty for tax year 2020: FBR started issuing tax notices

Source | FBR | Federal Board of Revenue | Audit | Assessment | Tax Notices |



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