Thursday, 13 March 2025
Sales Tax Fraud unearths by FBR

Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation (IR) unearths tax evasion in Lahore

The Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation (IR), Lahore received authentic information related to sales tax fraud. Action carried out under Section 38 read with Section 40 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 against M/s. Innovative Biscuits (Pvt.) Limited. Lahore.

Assessment order issued where amount involved of Rs. 4.27 billion as sales tax. Also default surcharge and 100% penalty for tax fraud. Accused includes Sheikh Munir Hussain, who was arrested. Two bail applications filed by the accused rejected by Special Judge. Subsequently. the accused filed another application for bail before Lahore High Court. Then, the Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi allowed post arrest bail to the petitioner on deposit of an amount of Rs. 300 (Million) and submission of post dated cheque of Rs. 100(Million).

See also  Income Tax Return Filing reached at it's peak

Progress of Investigation & Intelligence of FBR

The Directorate General of I&I has forwarded 1210 Investigation Reports involving revenue of Rs. 197,714 million to the field formations. The Directorate General conducted 40 raids where estimated revenue involved amounting to Rs. 761 million. Directorate General filed 67 complaints under Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010 against 75 accused persons involving Rs. 55.385 million. Directorate General also seized 6667 cartons of illegal cigarettes.

Investigation & Intelligence | FBR | Federal Board of Revenue | Sales Tax Fraud | Innovative Biscuits (Pvt.) Limited | - Your Tax Experts and Consultants

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