Form 1 of Partnership Act 1932 is an important document for applying for the registration of Partnership Firm in Pakistan.
Following other documents / information in addition to Form 1 are required for firm registration:
- Proposed name of your firm
- Nature and scope of business
- Full name and CNIC copies of partners
- Full name and CNIC copies of witnesses
- Investment amount by each partner
- Partnership Deed on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 1,000/-
- Office address of the Partnership Firm
- Partnership deed executed on non-judicial stamp worth Rs. 1,000/- (name of Partnership Firm and Address must be mentioned along with all rights and obligations of the parties against each other and any third parties) attested by at least 2 witnesses as prescribed under the law.
- Filled form 1
- Bank challan of prescribed Registration fee
- CNIC copies of all partners along with CNIC of all witnesses.
- Copy of all the above documents duly notarized by a notary public.
- Partners may have to physically appear before the Registrar Firms if required by him.