UPDATESNovember 10, 2021Big retailers integrated with point of sales system of FBR By Admin A total of 1,572 big retailers have been integrated with the point of sales (POS) system of the…Read more
BusinessesNovember 8, 2021500,000 Retailers Targeted by FBR to Boost Revenue By Admin About 500,000 countrywide retailers with a tax potential of about Rs 1,500 billion are the new…Read more
UPDATESAugust 27, 2021License Issuance Procedures for Integration of Point of Sales of Tier-1 Retailers with FBR By Admin FBR issues SRO 1063(1)/2021, Dated: 24th August 2021Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issues SRO No…Read more
TAXATIONAugust 12, 2021Deadline and penalty for Tier-1 retailers and other tax provisions relating there to By Admin FBR directs Tier-1 Retailers to integrate with revenue authority till August 15.The Federal…Read more