TAXATIONAugust 22, 2020Changes in rates of withholding tax on sales to retailers, wholesalers, distributors By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued changes in withholding tax rates on sales made. Sales made by…Read more
TAXATIONAugust 19, 2020FBR warns retail stores to register with point of sale (POS) System to avoid heavy fines By Admin FBR warns retail stores to register with point of sale (POS) System to avoid heavy fines and using…Read more
FINANCEJuly 15, 2020Imported LNG prices for gas companies increased By Admin KARACHI: OGRA increased the prices of imported LNG for gas companies. A price notification has been…Read more
TAXATIONJuly 7, 2020The formula for calculation of capital gain tax on the sale of immovable property By Admin The formula for calculation of capital gain tax on the sale of immovable propertyThe formula for…Read more