MARKETSOctober 22, 2020Govt increases wheat support price by over 14% By Admin A d v e r t i s e m e n tThe federal government increased the minimum wheat procurement price by…Read more
TAXATIONOctober 16, 2020How to register a construction company in Pakistan By Admin Steps for registration of a construction company in Pakistan.A d v e r t i s e m e n tWhile…Read more
FINANCEOctober 15, 2020IMF reports stagflation in Pakistan By Admin A d v e r t i s e m e n tPakistan’s economy may grow by 1%, inflation may cross above 10%.Read more
UPDATESSeptember 29, 2020Increase of tax on profit on debt for the persons other than companies By Admin Previously, upto tax year 2019, the persons (mentioned in clauses a to d of sub section (1) of…Read more
BUDGETSeptember 5, 2020FBR increased the limit of turnover for withholding agents By Admin Federal Board of Revenue FBR increased the limit of turnover for withholding agents. Taxpayers…Read more
WORLD TAXESSeptember 3, 2020Which countries tax their citizens the most? By Admin Which countries tax their citizens the most? In 2019, the highest income earners in Sweden pay a…Read more