Monday, 10 March 2025
USD Dollar to PKR Exchange Rate History 1947 to 2023
Currency Rates in Pakistan

USD Dollar to PKR Exchange Rate History 1947 to 2023

USD Dollar to PKR Exchange Rate History 1947 to 2023

USD Dollar to PKR Exchange Rate History 1947 to 2023. The exchange rate between the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) and the United States Dollar (USD) has always been a topic of interest for individuals and businesses alike. The fluctuations in the exchange rate can have a significant impact on the economy, trade, and the purchasing power of the people.

Historical Exchange Rate

Let’s take a look at the exchange rate history of 1 Rupee to Dollar in Pakistan up to the year 2023:

USD Dollar to PKR Exchange Rate History 1947 to 2023
YearExchange Rate (PKR to USD)
19471 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19481 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19491 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19501 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19511 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19521 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19531 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19541 Dollar = 3.31 Rupees
19551 Dollar = 3.91 Rupees
19561 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19571 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19581 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19591 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19601 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19611 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19621 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19631 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19641 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19651 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19661 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19671 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19681 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19691 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19701 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19711 Dollar = 4.76 Rupees
19721 Dollar = 11.01 Rupees
19731 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19741 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19751 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19761 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19771 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19781 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19791 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19801 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19811 Dollar = 9.99 Rupees
19821 Dollar = 11.85 Rupees
19831 Dollar = 13.12 Rupees
19841 Dollar = 14.05 Rupees
19851 Dollar = 15.93 Rupees
19861 Dollar = 16.65 Rupees
19871 Dollar = 17.4 Rupees
19881 Dollar = 18 Rupees
19891 Dollar = 20.54 Rupees
19901 Dollar = 21.71 Rupees
19911 Dollar = 23.8 Rupees
19921 Dollar = 25.08 Rupees
19931 Dollar = 28.11 Rupees
19941 Dollar = 30.57 Rupees
19951 Dollar = 31.64 Rupees
19961 Dollar = 36.08 Rupees
19971 Dollar = 41.11 Rupees
19981 Dollar = 45.05 Rupees
19991 Dollar = 51.90 Rupees
20001 Dollar = 51.90 Rupees
20011 Dollar = 63.5 Rupees
20021 Dollar = 60.5 Rupees
20031 Dollar = 57.75 Rupees
20041 Dollar = 57.8 Rupees
20051 Dollar = 59.7 Rupees
20061 Dollar = 60.4 Rupees
20071 Dollar = 60.83 Rupees
20081 Dollar = 81.1 Rupees
20091 Dollar = 84.1 Rupees
20101 Dollar = 85.75 Rupees
20111 Dollar = 88.6 Rupees
20121 Dollar = 96.5 Rupees
20131 Dollar = 107.2 Rupees
20141 Dollar = 103 Rupees
20151 Dollar = 105.2 Rupees
20161 Dollar = 104.6 Rupees
20171 Dollar = 110.01 Rupees
20181 Dollar = 121.73 Rupees
20191 Dollar = 163.75 Rupees
20201 Dollar = 168.88 Rupees
20211 Dollar = 179.16 Rupees
20221 Dollar = 226.59 (Dec) Rupees
20231 Dollar = 285 (29th May) Rupees
20231 Dollar = 286 (3rd October) Rupees

Factors Affecting Exchange Rate

Several factors influence the exchange rate between the Pakistani Rupee and the US Dollar:

  • Economic conditions of Pakistan
  • Political stability
  • Inflation rate
  • Interest rates
  • Foreign investments
See also  Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today Open Market 2023

Future Predictions

It is important to note that predicting the future exchange rate is challenging and subject to various factors. However, based on historical trends and current economic conditions.


The exchange rate between the Pakistani Rupee and the US Dollar has fluctuated over the years. However, it is essential to keep in mind that exchange rates are influenced by various factors, and predicting their future values is not always accurate.

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