Saturday, 7 September 2024
List of Active Manufacturers Under Export Facilitation Schemes

List of Active Manufacturers under Different Export Facilitation Schemes

List of Active Manufacturers under Different Export Facilitation Schemes

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has recently issued a list of 854 active manufacturers under various export facilitation schemes to extend duties and taxes exemption to only registered manufacturers-cum-exporters.

In this regard, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has uploaded the list of active manufacturers under various export facilitation schemes on the FBR’s website. Now, the manufacturers-cum-exporters can verify their active status from the list.

The schemes covered:

  • duty and tax remission for export scheme (DTRE);
  • export facilitation scheme,
  • manufacturing bonds scheme and
  • Export Oriented Unit (EOU) scheme.

The list covered:

  • manufacturers operating under the DTRE scheme,
  • export facilitation scheme,
  • manufacturing bonds scheme, and
  • Export Oriented Unit (EOU) scheme.

The manufacturers, who import duties and tax-free inputs and raw materials used in the manufacturing of export goods can check their names from the FBR’s list.

FBR’s provided list includes:

  • active manufacturers operating under the DTRE scheme stood at 351;
  • export facilitation scheme 77;
  • EOU 206 and
  • active manufacturers operating under the manufacturing bonds scheme was 220.
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Export Facilitation Scheme 2021 will:

  • decrease the cost of doing business
  • reduce the cost of tax compliance,
  • increase ease of doing business,
Single Window Program Import Export Facility by FBR. List of Active Manufacturers under Different Export Facilitation Schemes.

List of Active Manufacturers under Different Export Facilitation Schemes

You can download here list of active manufacturers under different export facilitation schemes:

List of Active Manufacturers – Download

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