BLOGAugust 11, 2021Definition of Tier-1 Retailer under sales tax act 1990 By Admin All tier-1 retailers are required to integrate all their POSs with FBR’s computerized system.Read more
UPDATESAugust 11, 2021Balochistan finance department introduces online tax collection system By Admin The government of Balochistan has installed online tax collection system. This online tax system…Read more
FINANCEAugust 4, 2021SBP launches digital cheques clearing and unified QR Code System By Admin Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Dr. Reza Baqir, announced two new initiatives to facilitate the…Read more
UPDATESAugust 4, 2021FBR decides to deny tax refund claims to retailers resisting integration with tax system By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Tuesday decided to hold 60% of the refund claims to those top…Read more
UPDATESAugust 2, 2021FBR notifies Export Facilitation Scheme 2021 By Admin Federal Board of Revenue has notified Rules for new Export Facilitation Scheme 2021 which will be…Read more
BUDGETJuly 31, 2021Omission and merger of withholding tax provisions in finance act 2021 By Admin Omission of withholding tax provisionsThere were 38 withholding tax provisions in the Income Tax…Read more
BLOGJuly 17, 2021How to Check Active Taxpayer Status of Income Tax with FBR ? By Admin Active Taxpayer status (ATL status ) with FBR can be checked in any of the following three (3)…Read more
TAXATIONJuly 5, 2021FBR uploads Income Tax Return Forms for Tax Year 2021 By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has uploaded the Income Tax Return Forms for Tax Year-2021. Separate…Read more
BUDGETJune 25, 2021Tax benefit extended to cars up to 1,000cc By Admin Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin has said the government will now extend the tax relief earlier to…Read more
UPDATESJune 24, 2021List of Budget suggestions finalized by senate body By Admin The Senate Standing Committee on Finance finalised its suggestions regarding Finance Bill, 2021-22…Read more