Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan 1st October 2023
Petrol Price in Pakistan

Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan 1st October 2023

Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan 1st October 2023

Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan 1st October 2023. As of 1st October 2023, the petrol prices in Pakistan reduced by Government, bringing relief to the consumers. Moreover, the Government of Pakistan has made this decision keeping in mind the increasing burden on the general public due to rising fuel costs.

Further the new prices are as follows:

  • Petrol Price: Rs. 323.38 per liter
  • Diesel Price: Rs. 318.18 per liter

New prices of petroleum products are applicable from 1st October 2023.

Price of petrol has been reduced by Rs 8 per liter and reduction in price of diesel is Rs 11 per liter. Previously, the prices of petrol and diesel were Rs 331.38 and 329.18 respectively.

This reduction in prices will have a positive impact on various sectors of the economy, including transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture. It will help reduce the cost of production and ultimately benefit the general public at large.

Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan 1st October 2023

Such relief in petrol prices will impact common man who relies on personal vehicles for daily commuting. It will reduce the overall transportation expenses and help ease the financial burden.

See also  Rate of Sales Tax on Petrol Reduced

The reduction in petrol prices is a result of various factors, including the decrease in global crude oil prices and after the Pakistani rupee gained value.

It is important to note that the prices of petroleum products are revised on a fortnightly basis in Pakistan. The government reviews the international market prices and adjusts the domestic prices accordingly.

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