TAXATIONDecember 27, 2021Why Digital Mode of Payments have issues to implement in corporate sector? By Admin Taxpayers are again requesting to Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) that the mandatory condition of…Read more
BLOGDecember 26, 2021Apple IPhone 13 Mini / Pro and 13 Pro Max Import and PTA TAX in Pakistan By Admin PTA Tax on Apple iPhone 13 Series, Including iPhone 13/ 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro & iPhone 13 Pro…Read more
BLOGDecember 26, 2021Apple IPhone 12 Mini Import PTA TAX and Price in Pakistan By Admin Apple IPhone 12 Mini Import TAX in PakistanApple IPhone 12 Mini is a device launched in…Read more
UPDATESDecember 26, 2021FTO orders to probe tax officials involved in sales tax refund scam By Admin The Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO), in pursuance of Own Motion (OM) investigation powers conferred to…Read more
TAXATIONDecember 25, 2021Corporate Tax Office Lahore imposes penalty on 35 Tier-1 Retailers By Admin The Corporate Tax Office (CTO) Lahore has imposed penalty of reducing adjustable input tax by 60%…Read more
BUDGETDecember 25, 2021Govt to impose 17% GST on 140 goods in the mini budget By Admin The government of Pakistan completed the mini-budget to the tune of Rs 360 billion that would smack…Read more
UPDATESDecember 25, 2021FBR technology head resigns on over four times higher salary than management pay scale-1 By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) technology head has resigned from his position due to…Read more
UPDATESDecember 24, 2021FBR decides to revise the prescribed Form for taxpayers for filing of references to the High Courts By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has decided to revise the prescribed “Form” for the taxpayers…Read more
TAXATIONDecember 19, 2021FBR Suspends Three Officials on Misconduct By Admin Following a policy of zero tolerance against corruption, highhanded, and misconduct Federal Board of…Read more
UPDATESDecember 19, 2021Service providers to file single sales tax returns from January 2022 By Admin The telecommunication companies, courier companies, and big services providers would file a single…Read more