UPDATESJanuary 2, 2021FBR issued no of tax returns submitted up to year end 2020 By Admin According to a statement issued by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) they have received 2.3 million…Read more
MARKETSDecember 22, 2020State bank issued list of chartered accountants firms for audit of banks By Admin State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) recently issued updated list of chartered accountants firms / audit…Read more
UPDATESDecember 19, 2020Tax amnesty scheme for builders and developers ending at December 31 2020 By Admin Tax amnesty scheme already announced for builders and developers for construction of housing…Read more
UPDATESDecember 16, 2020FBR launched online module for Greenfield investors status registration By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) launched an online module to facilitate investors to apply online to…Read more
UPDATESDecember 14, 2020File tax return or pay penalty for tax year 2020: FBR started issuing tax notices By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has started issuing tax notices on non-submission of tax return for…Read more
TAXATIONDecember 14, 2020FBR extended income tax return filing date up to December 24 By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has extended income tax return filing date up to December 24.Read more
TAXATIONNovember 28, 2020Weboc Registration process, Import & Export process in Pakistan, Benefits of Weboc Registration, Documents required for Weboc registration By Admin Weboc Registration process, Import & Export process in Pakistan, Benefits of Weboc Registration…Read more
WORLD TAXESNovember 21, 2020UK Tax News: VAT cut down for hospitality & tourism sector By Admin UK Tax News: VAT cut down for hospitality & tourism sectorThe Chancellor announced a…Read more
TAXATIONJuly 7, 2020The formula for calculation of capital gain tax on the sale of immovable property By Admin The formula for calculation of capital gain tax on the sale of immovable propertyThe formula for…Read more