Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Kamyab Jawan Loan Applications

Government Reopens Applications Under Kamyab Jawan Loan Program

Government of Pakistan has re-opened the applications under there loan scheme named, “Kamyab Jawan Program”. This entrepreneurship loan is to uplift the youth of the country by offering different loans in order to start the startups or for running the existing business. Kamyab Jawan is a Youth Entrepreneurship Loan Scheme for provision of subsidized business loans.

Where to Apply for Kamyab Jawan Loan ?

The eligible candidates candidates can apply for the Kamyab Kawan loan by visiting website at www.kamyabjawan.gov.pk/BankForm/newApplicantForm.

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All the eligible candidates including Men / Women or Transgender can apply to run their own small and medium sized Enterprises (startups and existing businesses).

Conditions to Apply for Kamyab Jawan Loan Program

Age Limit to Apply: Age between 21 to 45 Years as per CNIC at the time of application submission. For Information Technology IT / E-Commerce related businesses, the lower age limit is 18 years. Education: Applicant must holding at least minimum Matric or equivalent education.

Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Size, Pricing & Security:

TierLoan AmountPricingSecurity
T-IRs. 0.1 M to Rs. 1 M3% per annumClean loan
T-IIAbove Rs. 1 M up to Rs 10 M4% per annumSecured loan
T-IIIAbove Rs. 10 M up to Rs 25 M5% per annumSecured loan
Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Size, Pricing & Security:
GoP Re-Opens the Applications for Kamyab Jawan

Which Documents are required to apply for Kamyab Jawan Program Loan ?

The applicant must have pictures / scanned copies of the following documents

Personal Information

1. Clear Visible Picture
2. CNIC – Front and Back separately
3. Educational Degree, upload highest degree
4. Technical Degree, upload relevant to the business applied for
5. Proof of Artisanship / Skilled Labor, if available
6. Experience Certificates, preferably all
7. License, if applicable e.g. for commercial vehicle, medical store etc. In case you have applied for the license upload the receipt exhibiting the same.
8. NTN and Latest Tax return, we recommend to get NTN issued before filing application

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Business Information

9. Reference / Consumer Number of Electricity connection Installed at Residential address
10. Business Feasibility / Estimates of actual/expected business revenues and expenses
11. A brief business write-up
12. Any other source of income e.g. foreign remittance, salary income, agriculture income etc.
13. Registration number of any vehicle registered in your name or in parents name in case of females.
14. Two References CNICs
15. Entity Existence documents in case of Partnership / limited company and relevant approvals.

Last Date to Apply Kamyab Jawan Loan

Last date to apply for the Kamyab Jawan Loan Scheme of the government is 23rd March, 2021.

Loans | PM Imran Khan | State Bank of Pakistan | Businesses |

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