Saturday, 22 February 2025
New complain mechanism introduced by FBR

New Complaint Mechanism Introduced by FBR

Federal Board of Revenue has issued a circular in the wake of ongoing measures against corruption and irregularities under which a taxpayer can lodge a complaint against any officer or official involved in corruption and bribery in Inland Revenue (IR) field offices. The feature of this new procedure is that the identity of the complainant will secret. so that he does not fear that the officer or official against whom he has lodged a complaint may take undue retaliation against him.

FBR New Complaint Number

Member IR operations will himself receive all complaints. For this purpose the member of IR Operations is +9203455555507. Examination of complaints will be in accordance with the law in a completely confidential manner. The identity of the complainant will be immediately withheld so that no abuse can be committed against him.

The FBR has devised a procedure for registering complaints, according to which the complainant has to lodge a complaint by sending a text message to the mobile number listed above. The FBR has asked taxpayers to file complaints on WhatsApp. Complainant will enter his name, address, ID card number, details of his complaint and mobile number through WhatsApp message. The complainant will also enter the name, post and station of appointment of the officer or official against whom the complaint lodged.

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Evidence along with complain is compulsory

The complainant must provide evidence in the form of an audio, video or text message. That can be sent with the complaint or later mailed. If there is no such evidence with the complaint, the complainant will have to give an affidavit stating the details of the allegations and the information about which the allegations have been written. After receiving the complaint, each complainant will be given a code number and the identity of the complainant will be kept secret for field offices. This code will allow the complainant to track their complaint. FBR committed to reach a logical conclusion as soon as possible by examining the details of the complaint. FBR, also said that there will no action on a general complaint without evidence.

The FBR explained that the grievance redressal mechanism designed to curb corruption and bribery in field offices. Contact the Chief Tax Commissioner directly for refunds, tax estimates, mismanagement and other such complaints. The Chief Commissioners posted as IR Ombudsman under order dated November 16, 2020. So that they can resolve the complaint as soon as possible.

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The FBR further clarified that in addition to this new procedure. Taxpayers can also lodge their grievances using the pre-established forum for redressal of grievances. Such as Integrity Management Cell, Pakistan Citizen Portal and FBR Helpline.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Where can i lodge complain against FBR officials ?

Access FBR Helpline phone Number (051-111-772-772) and email (, You can also lodge Complaints through the website (

FBR | Federal Board of Revenue | FBR | Complaints | FBR Helpline | Citizens Portal | Corruption | Inland Revenue Service |

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