UPDATESJanuary 8, 2021FBR appealed to all taxpayers to file income tax returns before march 2021 By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue has issued a statement stating that there has been a significant…Read more
UPDATESJanuary 8, 2021FBR formed committee to improve Income Tax Return forms By Admin The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Friday formed a committee to simplify income tax returns for…Read more
UPDATESJanuary 7, 2021FBR established Export Oriented Sectors Registration Cell (ESRC) By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) issued an office order on Thursday for establishment of ‘export…Read more
TAXATIONJanuary 7, 2021Taxation of Builders and Developers By Admin Taxation of Builders and Developers.There is a complete package covering tax impact from all…Read more
UPDATESJanuary 6, 2021Shabbar Zaidi opposed restoring Pakistan's export sector to zero rating By Admin Former FBR chairperson Shabbar Zaidi tweets about the zero rating of exports in…Read more
TAXATIONJanuary 5, 2021Significant progresses in corporate taxes By Admin Currently, the Government of Pakistan has introduced amendments in the following areas, taking into…Read more
FINANCEJanuary 5, 2021E-stamping Revenue Reaches Rs. 201.3 Billion at year end 2020 By Admin E-Stamping, a flagship project of the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), aims to automate…Read more
UPDATESJanuary 4, 2021Government appointed permanent chairman of the FBR after six months By Admin The government appointed a permanent chairman of the FBR after six months.According to the…Read more
TAXATIONJanuary 4, 2021Company tax return By Admin Taxable periodThe tax year for company tax return is starting from 1 July through 30 June.Read more
BUDGETJanuary 4, 2021FBR allowed to taxpayers to file settlement application for agreed assessment By Admin FBR allowed to taxpayers to file settlement application for agreed assessment.The Federal Board…Read more