Tuesday, 25 March 2025

State bank issued list of chartered accountants firms for audit of banks

State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) recently issued updated list of chartered accountants firms / audit firms, which can conduct audit of banking companies.

SBP’s panel of chartered accountants Auditors Maintained Under Section 35 (1) of Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962. State Bank of Pakistan updated the list up to December 21, 2020. Following is the list of chartered accountant firms with their categories to conduct audit:

Categories of Audit Firms

a.Category ‘A’
Category “A” are eligible to conduct audit of all Banks and DFIs
b.Category ‘B’
Category “B” are eligible to conduct audit of Banks and DFIs having assets up to Rupees 100 billion or branches up to 160.
c.Category ‘C’
Category “C” are eligible to conduct audit of banks and DFIs having assets up to Rupees 15 billion or branches up to 30.

List of Chartered Accountant / Audit firms

Category ‘A’

A1. A.F. Ferguson & Co. State Life Building No. 1/C, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 32426711-15 Fax: +92 (021) 32415007 Web: www.affco.com.pk

A2. Baker Tilly Mehmood Idrees Qamar, 4th Floor, Central Hotel Building, Civil Lines, Mereweather Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35644872-77 Fax: +92 (021) 35694573 Email: mim@bakertillymiq.com Web: www.bakertillymiq.com

A3. BDO Ebrahim & Co. 2nd Floor, Block ‘C’ Lakson Square, Building No. 1, Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35683030 Fax: +92 (021) 35684239 Email: info@bdo.com.pk Web: www.bdo.com.pk

A4. Crowe Hussain Chaudhury & Co. 25-E, Main Market, Gulberg II, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 37759223-5 Fax: +92 (042) 35759226 Email: crowe@crowe.pk Web: www.crowe.pk

A5. EY Ford Rhodes, 6th Floor, Progressive Plaza, Beaumont Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 111-113-937 Fax: +92 (021) 35681965 E. mail: ey.khi@pk.ey.com Web: www.ey.com

A6. Grant Thornton Anjum Rahman, 1st & 3rd Floor, Modern Motors House, Beaumont Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35672951-56 Fax: +92 (021) 35688834 Email: iafzal@gtpak.com Web: www.gtpak.com

A7. Ilyas Saeed & Co. A-4, Sea Breeze Homes, Shershah Block, New Garden Town, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35861852, 35868849 Fax: +92 (042) 35856145 Email: info@ilyassaeed.com Web: www.ilyassaeed.com

A8. KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. 1st Floor, Sheikh Sultan Trust Building No. 2, Beaumount Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35685847 Fax: +92 (021) 35685095 Email: pk-fmkarachi@kpmg.com Web: www.kpmg.com.pk

A9. Kreston Hyder Bhimji & Co. Suite No. 1601, 16th Floor, Kashif Centre, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35640050-52 Fax: +92 (021) 35640053 Email: smtanvir@krestonhbco.com Web: www.krestonhb.com

A10. Muniff Ziauddin & Co. F/17/3, Business Executive Centre, Block No. 8, Clifton, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35375127-28, 35872283 Fax: +92 (021) 35820325 Email: info@mzco.com.pk Web: www.mzco.com.pk

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A11. Naveed Zafar Ashfaq Jaffery & Co. 1st Floor, Modern Motors House, Beaumount Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 111-774-422, 35671909 Fax: (021) 5210626 Email: khi@nzaj.com.pk Web: www.nzaj.com.pk

A12. Rahman Sarfaraz Rahim Iqbal Rafiq, Rahman Sarfaraz House, 54-P, Gulberg II, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35875965-67 Fax: +92 (042) 35758621 Email: rsrirlhr@gmail.com Web: www.rsrir.com

A13. Riaz Ahmad & Co. 10-B, Saint Mary Park, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35718137-39 Fax: +92 (042) 35718136 Email: racolhr@racopk.com Web: www.racopk.com

A14. Yousuf Adil, Cavish Court, A-35, Block 7 & 8, K.C.H.S.U. Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34546494-97 Fax: +92(021) 34541314 Email: zhmemon@yousufadil.com Web: www.yousufadil.com

Category ‘B’

B1. Amin Mudassar & Co. 4th Floor, IEP Building, 97-B/D-1, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35717261-62 Fax: +92 (042) 35717263 Email: amclhr1@brain.net.pk

B2. HLB Ijaz Tabussum & Co. 303, Sawan Road, G-10/1, Islamabad. Tel: +92 (051) 32354801-03 Fax: +92 (051) 32354800 Email: ia@hlbitc.com; admin@hlbitc.com; Web: www.hlbitc.com

B3. IECnet S.K.S.S.S. Suite No. 209, Parsa Tower, PECHS Block 6, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34150811-13 Fax: +92 (021) 34150814 Email: info@iecnet.com.pk Web: www.iecnet.com.pk

B4. Mudassar Ehtisham & Co. 50/2, Lawrence Road, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 36370215, 35466618 Fax: +92 (042) 36363614 Email: info@mudassarehtisham.com Web: www.mudassarehtisham.com

B5. Mushtaq & Co. 407, Commerce Centre, Maulana Hasrat Mohani Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 32638521-24 Email: mushtaqco@hmiml.com

B6. Nasir Javaid Maqsood Imran, Office No. 807, 8th Floor, Plot No. 11/2, Q.M. House, Ellander Road, Opp. Shaheen Complex, Off. I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi Tel: +92 (021) 32212382-83, 32211515-16 Fax: +92 (021) 32211515 Email: khi@njmi.net Website: www.njmi.net

B7. Parker Randall – A.J.S. 6-C, 2nd Floor, ST Plaza, Kohinoor Town, College Road, Faisalabad. Tel: +92 (021) 32621703-04 Fax: +92 (021) 32621701 Email: fsd@parkerrandallajs.pk Web: www.parkerrandallajs.pk

B8. PKF F.R.A.N.T.S. 16/II, ‘N’ Lane, Commercial Avenue, Phase IV, D.H.A, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35315275 Fax: +92 (021) 35315276 Email: karachi@pkf.com.pk Website: www.pkf.com.pk

B9. Reanda Haroon Zakaria & Co. M1-M4, Mezzanine Floor, Progressive Plaza, Beaumont Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35674741-44 Fax: +92 (021) 35674745 Email: info@hzco.com.pk Web: www.hzco.com.pk

B10. Riaz Ahmad Saqib Gohar & Co. 5-Nasim, C.H.S. Major Nazir Bhatti Road, Off Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34945427, 34946112 Fax: +92 (021) 34932629 Email: gohar@rasgco.com Web: www.rasgco.com

B11. RSM Avais Hyder Liaquat Nauman, Suite No. 407, Progressive Plaza, Beaumont Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35655975-76 Fax: +92 (021) 35655977 Email: lahore@rsmpakistan.pk Web: www.rsm.global/pakistan

B12. ShineWing Hameed Chaudhri & Co. H.M. House No. 07, Bank Square, Off Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 37235084-87 Fax: +92 (042) 37235083 Email: lhr@hccpk.com Website: www.hccpk.com

B13. Suriya Nauman Rehan & Co. House No. 02, Street No. 02, F-7/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 (051) 32610931-32 Fax: +92 (051) 32610954 Email: nauman@nrcca.pk Web: www.nrcca.pk

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B14. Tariq Abdul Ghani Maqbool & Co. 173-W, Block-2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi Phone: +92 (021) 34322582-83, (021) 34322606-07 Fax: +92 (021) 34522492 Email: info@tagm.co Website: www.tagm.co

B15. UHY Hassan Naeem & Co. 193-A, Shah Jamal, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35403550-51, 35403588 Fax: +92 (042) 35403599 Email: info@uhy-hnco.com Web: www.uhy-hnco.com

B16. Zahid Jamil & Co. 1st Floor, Al-Jamil, 7-Madina Town Ext, Kohinoor Chowk, Off. Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad. Tel: +92 (041) 38725065-68 Fax: +92 (041) 38725070 Email: info@zahidjamilco.com Web: www.zahidjamilco.com


Category ‘C’

C1. Fazal Mahmood & Co. 147 – Shadman I, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 37426771-73 Fax: +92 (042) 37426774 Email: info@fmc.com.pk Web: www.fmc.com.pk

C2. Feroze Sharif Tariq & Co. 4-N/4, Block No. 06, P.E.C.H.S. Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34540891, 34542607 Fax: +92 (021) 34540891 Email: fstc.ca@gmail.com

C3. H.A.M.D & Co. 302, Land Mark Plaza, Mohammed Bin Qasim Road, Off I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 32630651 Fax: +92 (021) 35872521 Email: hamd.co.ca@gmail.com; dawson5152@gmail.com

C4. Ibrahim Shaikh & Co. 259-260 Panorama Centre, Fatima Jinnah Road, Saddar, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 35210577, 35671853 Fax: +92 (021) 35676591 Email: ibrahimshaikh41@yahoo.com

C5. Junaidy Shoaib Asad 1/6-P, Block No. 06, P.E.C.H.S, Mohtarma Laeeq Begum Road, Off Shahra-e-Faisal. Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34371910-13 Fax: +92 (021) 34371916 Email: info@jsa.com.pk Web: www.jsa.com.pk

C6. H.Y.K & Co. SKP House, 321 Upper Mall, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 111-772-000, 35789330-1 Fax: +92 (042) 35789182 Email: info@hyk.com Web: www.hyk.com.pk

C7. Khalid Majid Rehman & Co. 7-A, Street No. 65, F-8/3, Islamabad. Tel: +92 (051) 32287713-17 Fax: +92 (051) 32287710 Email: info@kmr.com.pk Web: www.kmr.com.pk

C8. Qavi & Co. Suites No. 717 & 718, Caesars Tower, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 32791966-68 Fax: +92 (021) 32791969 Email: qaviandco@cyber.net.pk Web: www.qaviandco.com

C9. Rafaqat Mansha Mohsin Dossani Masoom & Co. Suite No. 113, 3rd Floor, Hafeez Centre, A/34, K.C.H.S, Block No. 07 & 08, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. Tel: +92 (021) 34392361-62 Fax: +92 (021) 34320693 Email: karachi@mmdk.com.pkWeb: www.mmdk.com.pk

C10. Sarwars, Office No. 12 & 14, 2nd Floor, Lahore Centre, 77-D, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35782920-22 Fax: +92 (042) 35773825 Email: sarwars@sawarsca.com Web: www.saewarsca.com

C11. S. M. Suhail & Co. Suite No. 1001-1014, 10th Floor, Uni Centre, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi Tel: +92 (021) 32414057, 32414163 Fax: +92 (021) 32416288 Email: sms@smsco.pk, Web: www.smsco.pk

C12. Uzair Hammad Faisal & Co. 37- Main Gulberg, Lahore. Tel: +92 (042) 35877470, 35879310 Email: faisaljalal@uhf.com.pk Web: www.uhf.com.pk

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