TAXATIONJuly 5, 2021FBR uploads Income Tax Return Forms for Tax Year 2021 By Admin Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has uploaded the Income Tax Return Forms for Tax Year-2021. Separate…Read more
UPDATESJuly 5, 2021FBR's action against massive tax evasion By Admin Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) Directorate of I&I-Inland Revenue (IR), Lahore’s in an…Read more
FINANCEJuly 3, 2021Auto Financing by banks hit an all-time high By Admin Auto financing by banks hit an all-time high of Rs297.5 billion in Pakistan. As consumers’ hunger…Read more
BUDGETJune 30, 2021Taxpayers to update profile to remain in ATL and skip fine By Admin Taxpayers are required to update their profile by June 30, 2021, to avoid penalty and exclusion from…Read more
BUDGETJune 30, 2021National Assembly Approved Finance Bill 2021-2022 By Admin The National Assembly of Pakistan on Tuesday approved the Finance Bill 2021-2022 with majority of…Read more
UPDATESJune 29, 2021FBR field offices to remain open till midnight on 30th June By Admin All the field offices of the Federal Board of Revenue will remain open till 12:00 midnight on 30th…Read more
BUDGETJune 25, 2021Tax benefit extended to cars up to 1,000cc By Admin Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin has said the government will now extend the tax relief earlier to…Read more
FINANCEJune 25, 2021FATF retains Pakistan on grey list By Admin Anti-money laundering watchdog also gives another six-point action plan to Islamabad.The…Read more
TAXATIONJune 24, 2021Intelligence & Investigation Inland Revenue Operation against three unregistered units By Admin FBR action against unregistered persons who are liable to be registered and are required to pay due…Read more
UPDATESJune 24, 2021List of Budget suggestions finalized by senate body By Admin The Senate Standing Committee on Finance finalised its suggestions regarding Finance Bill, 2021-22…Read more