Saturday, 7 September 2024
What is the 1 Dollar Price in Pakistan Today 2023 1 February
Currency Rates in Pakistan

What is the 1 Dollar Price in Pakistan Today 2023 | 1 February

What is the 1 Dollar Price in Pakistan Today 2023 | 1 February

What is the 1 Dollar Price in Pakistan Today 2023 | 1 February. Following is the list of interbank and open market foreign currency rates in Pakistan:

Inter-Bank Foreign Currency Rates

Let us see the inter-bank foreign currency rates in Pakistan.

Australian Dollar188.98189.33
 Canadian Dollar201.26201.64
 China Yuan39.8739.95
 Danish Krone39.1239.19
 Hong Kong Dollar34.2934.35
 Japanese Yen2.05982.0636
 Saudi Riyal71.4571.58
 Singapore Dollar203.85204.23
 Swedish Korona25.7725.82
 Swiss Franc292.41292.96
 Thai Bhat8.148.15
 UK Pound Sterling329.91330.53
 US Dollar267.85268.35

Open Market Foreign Currency Rates

Let us see the open market foreign currency rates in Pakistan.

Australian Dollar188.9191.3
 Bahrain Dinar712.73720.73
 Canadian Dollar200.95203.15
 China Yuan3.6740.07
 Danish Krone39.1139.51
 Hong Kong Dollar34.1934.54
 Indian Rupee3.283.39
 Japanese Yen2.52.54
 Kuwaiti Dinar877.76886.76
 Malaysian Ringgit62.8363.43
 NewZealand $173.25175.25
 Norwegians Krone26.7927.09
 Omani Riyal696.08704.08
 Qatari Riyal73.6274.32
 Saudi Riyal70.571.2
 Singapore Dollar204206
 Swedish Korona25.6125.91
 Swiss Franc291.69294.19
 Thai Bhat8.158.3
 U.A.E Dirham72.573.2
 UK Pound Sterling326329.25
 US Dollar270272.7

Updated at: 1/2/2023 11:04 AM (PST)

See also  History of 1 USD to PKR in 1947 to 2023
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